This year for Valentine’s Day, I’m giving away two FREE printable games!! The first one is perfectly sized to hand out as classroom cards, and the second one can make a great activity to do during the class party or anywhere just for fun.
NEW Classroom Valentine Cards available at Minted
I’m excited to share my new line of Valentine’s Day cards, along with a few of my old favs. These are all now available for sale at Minted. Click on any image above to order them directly, or you can check out Minted’s whole amazing selection here.
More Free Valentines
When I’m not illustrating new maps, designing classroom valentine cards is my favorite thing to do. So cute, so fun, and so, so many puns! Here are some DIY cards your kids will love handing out in class!
Find more of my free printables here.
Free Classroom Valentines
Last year around this time, I offered my very first printable (also Valentines, see below). It took me a while to realize it, but it only makes sense! I personally love freebies and am always scouring Pinterest to find printables for my own kids to use. And as a stationery designer, I often have many cute illustrations that end up going nowhere. Instead of letting them hide on my computer, I’m going to get better about sharing them.
Please enjoy and share with your friends!
Don't forget about these free Valentine's Day bookmarks! These can be handed out as classroom cards or used as a quick and easy at-home craft.
Free Printable Valentine's
Hello! Welcome to my very first blog post. Yikes!!! Please bear with me.
Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, and although I’m not a super fan of the stereotypical Valentine’s Day. I don’t need a box of candy or overpriced flowers, I’m way too thrifty to enjoy that! I do love spending the day with my family, and as a momma, I love a good classroom Valentine’s Day party.
As an illustrator, designing valentines for kids is one of my all-time favs. Adorable characters and lots of puns, sign me up! Here’s a sample of some of the cards I have for sale at Minted.

Around our house, we love a good DIY project, so last year for Valentine’s Day my girls colored bookmarks to hand out, and my son made some fun thumbprint illustrations. Each one of his classmates received a very unique drawing. I was so impressed!
This year, I decided it would be fun to illustrate my own set of color-in bookmarks for my girls to hand out. Then I thought, why not share them with you! Just hit the button below to download a printable file.
If you have any ideas for future printables from me, please comment below or send me a message.
FREE printable Valentine’s Day bookmarks. You can color them in and hand them out, or hand them out as is and let them color in. These would be great to include with a set of crayons, or those melted heart crayons (see Pinterest).